By all accounts, the on-street parking pilot project initiated by city staff and my office was an unqualified success. The project involved limiting on-street parking to one side of the street on more than 130 of our wards most narrow roads. It successfully met the goal of improving service delivery, particularly for snow clearing operations during the winter of 2019/20 and made the affected roads safer for all drivers by maintaining two way traffic.

A corporate report from the City’s Transportation and Works was presented to Council in October outlining the multi-phase approach to educating residents and implementation and enforcement of the new parking regulation. This pilot was a large undertaking with collaboration from several divisions within Transportation and Works plus my Ward 10 office. The team was nominated for a corporate award this past year, recognizing their efforts and the success of the program.

The report is recommending some additional funding be made available in 2021 to expand the program in 2022 and beyond for additional narrow streets that are identified as good candidates for one-side only parking.  In advance of that, I have worked with staff and local residents to identify five additional streets where this program will be expanded for this coming winter: Partition Road, Magpie Row, Adobe Court and parts of Edgecliffe Run and Owl’s Foot Drive. This letter is being distributed to homes on the affected streets at the beginning of November to advise residents of the change.